1.材料 2.纸型 3.影音光碟
完成尺寸/ Measurement :
H30cm x W26cm x D8cm
售价/ Selling Price:
RM 250.00 without sling belt
RM 310.00 with sling belt
欢迎来到 Handmade Corner !这里有售卖各式各样的拼布材料包。 材料包是由资深的台湾拼布老师亲自配制,材料都是选用日本或美国进口的。 这里我将采用预购的方式来售卖所有的材料包。
Welcome to Handmade Corner! We have variety of Patchwork DIY kits here. DIY kits here are designed and prepared by Taiwanese patchwork's teacher. All the materials are imported from Japan and US. Pre-order is the way we adopt in doing business here.
为何购买拼布材料包?Why purchase Patchwork DIY kits?
什么是预购?What is Pre-order?